When you sign up for any of these free resources, you’ll also start getting our weekly email with the latest blog post and teachings to help you on your spiritual journey.
Free Online Sound Bath: Divine Light of Consciousness
This is an hour long sound bath to be utilized with good headphones and a comfortable quiet location for you to enjoy. Access higher states of consciousness through the use of this sound bath and enter the divine light.
GET THE SOUND BATHAccessing the Light Grid Meditation
This is a free meditation designed to access the evolutionary light grid forming at this time on the planet. The meditation combined with binaural beats from Molly's crystal tones alchemy bowls allows a specific realignment to occur within your body, mind, and spirit.
GET THE MEDITATIONDoorways to Consciousness Webinar
In this webinar, Molly explains 3 different forms of attention and how most of us are using the wrong kind to develop the inner witness. She also takes you through some important vehicles for Presence which lead to deep self-observation and freedom from pattern.